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Acolye & Sacristan Ministry

The Acolyte & Sacristan team is a group of Orthodox young and adult men who maintain and serve in the sacristy and altar.  Acolytes are altar servers and assist the priests and deacons during the services. They help glorify God by participating in the processions of the parish. 

Sacristans arrive early to prepare the temple for church services. They vacuum the nave, refill and light lamps and candles, organize the blessed bread and wine, and get the censers ready, among other tasks as necessary.

The Acolyte & Sacristan team is a group of Orthodox young and adult men who maintain and serve in the sacristy and altar.  Acolytes are altar servers and assist the priests and deacons during the services. They help glorify God by participating in the processions of the parish. 



The purpose of the Beautification Team is to glorify God by maintaining a beautiful space for worship and community life at St. Stephen’s. The Beautification Team values beauty, team work, and stewardship, and are responsible stewards of the physical resources God has given to us. We build community by working together and sharing the understanding that the condition of our facilities should be consistent with the beauty of our worship and liturgical life. The tasks include the routine monthly chores, leadership during the four annual parish workdays, and accomplishing special projects.



Through the use of a comprehensive and easy to understand curriculum, the catechism ministry team seeks to teach properly and systematically those willing to undergo baptism and/or chrismation into the Eastern Orthodox faith. The goal is to achieve an accurate understanding of Orthodox belief and practice with God’s help toward the purpose of life: purification, illumination, and theosis (Phil. 2:12, 1 Peter 3:15, 1 John 3:2).

The ministry team includes volunteers skilled in conveying the tenets of the faith in a relaxed atmosphere that encourages questions and productive discussion. Those interested in Orthodoxy or wishing to continue an Orthodox faith journey are encouraged to come and experience the weekly classes by attending the Sunday Divine Liturgy. Classes begin when catechumens and inquirers are dismissed partway through the service.

The catechism ministry team also periodically presents various topics of interest to the church parish-wide. Presentations occur after Vespers on Saturday or the Divine Liturgy on Sunday. 



The Church Choir sings in the a cappella tradition (without instrumental accompaniment), with a repertoire reflecting the diversity of our parish itself. This includes a mixture of musical influences such as the Eastern Slavic and Russian heritage of the parish’s founders, Byzantine chant, and of note (and most promising), the growing collection of music composed by American Orthodox musicians. Throughout the years, chant and compositions have been introduced which celebrate the diverse global traditions found in Orthodox Christianity and reflect the diversity of the community in St. Stephen’s.

Since the founding of our parish the choir has continued to evolve, both in size of chorus participants and involvement of the parish community. Today, a number of its singers are second or third generation musicians within the Church Choir, and some are converts contributing their gifts. Yet, the most valuable aspect about the choir is that it has delivered through song the Church’s theological truths to the liturgical assembly, thereby moving it closer to the heart of the Christian message – which is Christ Himself.

Those wishing to participate in St. Stephen’s Choir Ministry should be a baptized Orthodox Christian, member of the parish, willing to participate in rehearsals as scheduled, and able to participate in services as scheduled. Those interested in joining, but are not yet baptized Orthodox Christians, may participate in rehearsals.



The church school program includes students ages 4-18. With space to accommodate 4 classes, several grades are grouped together into one class. Textbooks are chosen from Orthodox curriculum materials with consideration to the average age and abilities in each class. Teachers are given flexibility within the curriculum to expand and adapt to the lessons as best suits their students. All teachers have completed and been approved to work with our youth as required by the OCA to have successfully passed a background check.

Church school classes are held immediately following reception of Holy Communion whereby the students are led to receive first. The lessons typically are 45 minutes in length depending on the age group.

The teachers are committed to the education of our youth as they devote time to prepare and plan their lessons each week. They become a mentor for their students as a rapport is developed throughout the school year.



The Fellowship of St. Nektarios is comprised of faithful Orthodox Christians who seek God daily, practice compassion to those in need, and keep the memory of St. Nektarios alive in church and home through growth in the practice and communicating of our faith.

Monthly meetings are held to discuss various topics in depth and enjoy fellowship with one another. Everyone in the parish is invited to be a part of the Fellowship of St. Nektarios.



We are not merely a group to efficiently execute coffee hour but to provide hospitality as a spiritual virtue. For inspiration and guidance, we adopted the icon Hospitality of Abraham as our patron. Abraham welcomed the visitors, made them comfortable at the table in the shade, and hurried to provide them food and drink. This simple act of hospitality as portrayed in the icon is elevated to the most profound act of depicting the Trinity and the unique mutually shared love of God, the Son and Holy Spirit, making them indistinguishable from each other. It is our hope that we can emulate Abraham’s hospitality in such a way that visitors and parishioners will feel a genuine care and love towards them.

We provide hospitality by providing different food offerings, making sure coffee and other beverages are ready, and that seating is available. We attempt to make visitors feel comfortable and welcome. In addition, the team is committed to keeping the kitchen neat, clean, and orderly.



The Library at St. Stephen’s is located in the Education Building. Our mission is to help parishioners get access to Orthodox books to read for free. It is open on Sundays during Coffee Hour. Some of the sections include Children’s books, Church History, Family/Marriage, Iconography/Architecture, Lives of Saints, Orthodoxy, Scriptural Commentary, and Spirituality.

Books can be checked out by filling out the sheet on the clipboard with the Book Title/Publisher, your name, and the check-out date. When you return the book just fill in the check-in date next to your original entry. You can check out the book for as long as you like, but we ask that you only keep three books at a time.

We also have a few icons for sale. Currently we are only prepared to accept cash/checks.

Visit the Library Website Page
Our library website makes it easy to search for books by title, author, or category and even tells you the exact shelf where each book is located.



The purpose of the Sisterhood is encouragement, relaxation, and fellowship for like-minded Orthodox women.  The Sisterhood typically meets monthly either at a woman’s home, a restaurant, or event. All women of the parish are invited to attend Sisterhood events.


The St. Juliana the Merciful Pastoral Care Ministry offers emotional, social, and spiritual support to parishioners. While focusing on new parents and those needing bereavement support, members will also address other needs as identified by clergy, the prayer list, and parishioners themselves. Members of the team will serve through visits, calls, physical help as needed, and occasional classes/retreats in which we listen, pray, support, and encourage.

Download the Pastoral Care Ministry Brochure